Natural Blood Purifier Safi 100% Herbal Formula

Blood is a specialized body fluid that delivers necessary substances to the body's cells-such as nutrients and oxygen and transport waste products away from those same cells.Poor diet, fast food, medications and environmental toxicity all helps to contribute to the excessive amount of toxin in the body.

When the level of these toxins have built up sufficiently in the system they slowly begin to effect body functioning, especially the liver function, and as a result, modern day living requires us to detox once in a while to help rejuvenate the system, improve liver function and restore health.Some time we need a little help from nature, there are many herbal ingredients that may aid in natural detoxification of the body. Safi may assist in the body's natural elimination of toxins through taxation.

Safi (Blood Purifier) Purifies blood from with in, eliminating the toxins that cause acne and blemishes.Blood Purifier combination of 28 essential herbal extracts including Sana, Revand Chini, Neem, Chirata and Tulsi.
Blood Purifier


Keeps stomach clear and helps prevent skin Problems.


Purifies blood, improves liver function and promotes cell repair.


Purifies blood and cures almost every skin disease.


Purifies blood and keeps it toxin free for better skin conditioning.


Improves blood circulation and helps improve shine on skin.

Natural Blood Purifier and its Benefits

  1. It purifies the blood by removing toxic matter.
  2. It cures all sorts of scabies, pimples, blotches, wheals and pushes which arise on the face, hands or any other part of the body.
  3. It corrects gastrointestinal tract and relieves constipation, indigestion etc.
  4. It tones the body and gives a healthy look to skin.


ADULTS: 10 ml (2 teaspoonful) once a day with one glass of fresh water.
CHILDREN: 5 ML (1 teaspoonful) once a day with one glass of fresh water.
NOTE: Children under two years of age should be given the drug as per physician's advice.