The Root Of Hair
Is planted in the pilosebaceous follicle where it is maintained by the epithelial girdles which prevent the hair to fall easily. On its basis, there is the bulb irrigated by blood vessels of the scalp.
Every root has one or more sebaceous glands that secretes the sebum that lubricates the hair stalk mean wile its growth and encircles it by a protector film.
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The Stalk
Is the visible part of the hair. It is composed of a pile of soft fibers sheathed by a layer of keratinic imbricated scales "overlapping as roof tiles". Scales constitute the stalk protection and give it its bright.
Hair Troubles
Hair can not be beautiful without being healthy.
Under the influence of all sorts of aggression, scouring shampoos, intemperate and brute manipulations, pollution's, stresses and strain, hair looses its natural balance.
Dry: it becomes rough, curt, dim and breakable.
Oily: it becomes heavy, hard to comb, looses its brilliant and softness : then dandruff appears.
In both cases the hair will die without being replaced.
So IBN SINA Oil is ready to restore , to protect and to maintain your hair.
IBN SINA OIL Components
IBN SINA OIL contains efficient materials, It has been composed for a long time. It has been created in the purpose to give positive results, it is an extracted plants treasure, it is formulated from the original known universal medicine formularies as "CANNON" "RAZI" "BITAR" and "ANTAKI" theories .
IBN SINA OIL includes an active oil essential to soften and renew hair cells, thanks to vitamin E.
It contains three other pure oils very active through vitamin F which is necessary to get hair longer. Adding to precedent oils. It encloses aromatics extracted from natural medicinal plants in the purpose to re product hair, to multiplicative and lengthen it as to combat dandruff.
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- It has the particularity to restore hair vivacity and to add shades to its color.
- It brings back hair flash and brightness, This particular action appears forthright from the first applications.
- It leads back the natural balance to the hair.
- It dries oily hair as it softens dry hair whatever is it dryness.
- It joins shine appeal to the hair, it nourishes the hair bulb and encounters dandruff.
- It assures a positive result, One bottle of this efficient oil is sufficient to act against hair troubles.
Clean Up Hair: lather and rinse use soap or shampoo to remove oil.
Enjoy The Care Oil: It is a loving care as there is no cont-re indications and it is important to note that IBN SINA OIL is non allergic.
More: Its helps to restore finger-nails dryness and gives hands softness and smoothness.
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