Benefits of Ginger Oil and their Uses

Ginger OilGinger is commonly used as a spice, known for its sweet aroma and harsh taste. Originated in India, ginger is also used medicinally known to treat many ailments.The extraction process of oil is through steam distillation.Benefits of Ginger oil can be attributed to its digestive, expectorant, antiseptic, anti inflammatory and stimulating properties.
Ginger is a perennial herb and grows to about 3 - 4 feet high with a thick spreading tuberous rhizome.Every year it shoots up a stalk with narrow spear-shaped leaves, as well as white or yellow flowers growing directly from the root.Asian medicine uses dried ginger for stomach problems such as stomach-ache, diarrhea, and nausea. The Chinese also use it to boost the heart and to help with mucus and phlegm.

Ginger Oil Benefits

Digestive System: Digestion problems can be rectified by adding ginger oil to your diet. It is a great remedy for indigestion problem. It also increases appetite. It helps you to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Effective against Yellow fever and Malaria: It is used to alleviate the symptoms of malaria such as digestive disorders, headaches and general body pains.It helps to alleviate these symptoms of malaria and gives you some relief.

Pain Reliever: Exceptionally helpful in reducing the pain by decreasing prostaglandin compounds associated with the pain. Ginger is a rich source of antioxidant and thus it is considered as a natural pain reliever.

Relax the Mind:Ginger oil is pale yellow to a darker amber in color and can also be used to help with mood swings, adding 2-3 drops place on a cotton ball and inhale 2-3 times per day can relax the mind.

Helps In Weight Loss: It is highly effective in aiding weight loss. It helps in promoting metabolism and it removes toxins from the body. By improving digestion helps in aiding weight loss.It acts as an herbal tonic and stimulates the body systems. It warms the body and increases the energy.

Although sometimes given to pregnant women to combat morning sickness, ginger oil should be avoided during pregnancy.

Hope this article is helpful and informative.