"Black seeds cures all illness except Death"
In the past it was famously used as a nutritional supplement.There are now over 600 studies showing the effects of black cumin seed oil and there is promising research on the use of black cumin seed oil for dealing with autoimmune disease.
How to Use Black Seed Oil
- This herb has been used for ages in Middle East, Africa and South Asia as a remedy for allergies, inflammation, purification of blood and strengthening the immune system.
- Effective against diseases such as Bronchitis, Asthma and poor digestion.
- Used for relieve in congestion and it acts as a general tonic to boost immune function.
- Famous for enhancing blood circulations.
- Regular usage has shown that Black seeds oil controls blood pressure and cholesterol as well.
- Used for skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. It helps sooth inflammation and improve the speed and which skin heals.
- Other studies have shown that a compound in black seeds and oil, Thymoquinone, helps induce apoptosis (cell death) in leukemia cells and other studies have shown this same effect in breast cancer cells, brain tumor cells, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer, and even oral cancer cells and cavity forming bacteria. Black seed oil is also sometimes recommended as a natural protection against some of the danger from radiation and used in conjunction with conventional treatments.
- It is also used topically in some cultures to naturally soften, strengthen and firm skin and help increase hair growth. Some studies even suggest that it may be a very useful remedy against scars and to prevent scar formation on wounds.
- Black seed oil was also shown to be helpful in battling candida and fungal infections in the digestive system and on the skin.
How to Use Black Seed Oil
One Teaspoon daily with meal
It can be mixed with juice or other beverages to get better taste.